Monday, March 1, 2010

All the Colors of the Rainbow...

Since there was no theme this week we did rainbow colors. At story time they read books about rainbows and created a rainbow with homemade puffy paint. I am going to have to start thinking about blue/purple foods for our tin in a couple weeks.
Red-Juice; Orange-Cheese dots; Yellow-Mac Salad
Green-Green Pea Crispies; Blue-mini M&Ms; Purple-Yogurt w/purple sprinkles.

I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else came up with this week.


  1. Love the flowered cups! and what a perfect theme rainbow colors!

  2. very cute! I'm already wracking my brain for blue/purple stuff too.

    You could do some fun stuff with a Dora tin. LOL, you'd have to incorporate the GOOEY GEYSER somehow ;-)

  3. Ok I have to ask, what is green pea crispies?

  4. We tried to do colors too! Yours look great!

  5. What an absolute delight for the eyes!!! It is so fun looking. :)

  6. So pretty!!! And yummy.

    I'm going to have to remember macaroni salad for next week.

  7. Yummy looking tin! My kids love those Snapea Crisps and my local store just started carrying them. I used to have to go 60+ miles to get them!

  8. Love the rainbow theme....we are working on rainbows this week and I almost did this theme, but then chose flowers!

  9. How fun! We did a rainbow theme today too, it was a big hit!

  10. I love the flower cups, and I'd forgotten all about those green pea crispy things...use to eat those years ago...I'll have to look for some!

  11. beautiful! and it fits perfectly in between all the color themes we're doing!

  12. Your meal looks great in those flower cups! Some great ideas for future color themed meals.
