Monday, February 8, 2010

Sicky Chicky Muffin Tin Monday.

Since there was no theme this week and the kids have been icky sicky we just went for a simple MTM. Usually this would be her #1 requested meal but today her only interest today was the oranges and juice. She didn't even want her cookie. Hope she gets feeling better soon.
Oranges, heart sugar cookie, juice, chicken nuggets, fries, ketchup.


  1. awwww. hope she gets better soon! and um. can i have her cookie?

  2. I hope she feels better soon. Nice comfort food.

  3. Aw! Poor sicky chicky. You know it's bad when they don't even go for the cookie.

  4. Awww, hope she feels better soon!

  5. French fries, how fun! It makes me want to go and bake some!!!

  6. Aww, I hope she starts feeling better soon, too.

  7. Icky Sicky in no Funny Wunny for Mommy Wommy! (Yuck- I think I just gagged myself with all those cutesy phrases- oh, who am I kidding myself, I love to rhyme!)

    Hope she feels better soon!

  8. that is a first sign that my kids don't feel good...they pass on the dessert!
