Rice crispy treat w/ orange frosting;
Cantaloupe; Carrots
O for orange cheese; Chicken nuggets; Red & yellow make orange nugget dip
Orange juice
We have been talking about the color orange all week. I decided to focus on how red and yellow make orange so we did a couple activities around that. We made red, yellow and orange
Play dough with food coloring. We also made an orange crayon by melting some broken red and yellow crayons. She enjoyed making both but I think she liked the end product better.
For this weeks lunch I also was able to go to target and find some cute little flower cups for her. This was the very last set so I was really excited to find them especially since they only cost a dollar. This will be our last
MTM because we are going to star doing it on Sundays but I will still post with everyone on Monday. I babysit another 2yr old and 7 month old and will start having them on Monday and Tuesday. I figure I will be pretty busy on Mondays plus these lunches have
kind of become a special treat for my DD. I hope everyone has a great week.