Monday, May 17, 2010

Birds and Nests

Trees: Broccoli; Bird: P, B & J sandwhich; Nest: rice crisp treat w/ mini m&m
Bird: banana w/ peanut chip and mini m&m; Twigs: pretzels; Birds; Cheese

Monday, May 10, 2010

A simple lunch!

Apple bites w/ peanut butter chip pressed in, cheese roll, choc animal crackers,
GoGurt, cheese roll, carrots w/ ranch.
My DD ate EVERYTHING while the other little girl I watch ate the gogurt and nothing else. Stinker.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Left overs rock and Earth Day recap...

Last of apple juice, White Choc Easter Bunny...head, Jello Beans, Green Beans, Mac and Cheese w/ Spaghetti sauce, Apple sauce w/ Cinnamon.

We didn't do Left overs last week because I was excited to do Earth Week theme. so since there was no theme this week and I didn't go shopping we did left overs which worked out pretty well. I am also re-posting our lunch from last week because I posted it a day late and was really happy with how it turned out.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Earth Week...

Go Green Kiwi, Ocean Water, Broccoli Trees, Dirt Pudding, Earth Egg, Fish in the Ocean

This week we have been talking about Earth week and what we can do to make it a better place to live. We have some different fun activities planned and I will post some pictures on my other blog about them soon. Anyway, I am off topic. We didn't follow the theme this week because I really wanted to do Earth Day!

I am trying to teach my DD how we can Go Green by conserving energy and water. On Thursday we are going to go pick-up trash along the bike path. She really loved the dirt. We were outside talking to neighbors and she asked if she could go eat her dirt now. We kind of got a weird look. Sorry the post is a day late but I hope you stop by and check it out. I am looking forward to what everyone else did.

Monday, April 12, 2010

All the Colors of the Rainbow...take 2

Jello Jiggle Beans, Rainbow Fish & Fruit loops, V8 fusion juice
Applesauce w/ Rainbow Sprinkles, Rainbow Rice w/ broc and Chicken, Rainbow Cupcake.
A few weeks ago when there was no theme we did rainbow colors so this time we tried to find things that had all colors in each food. Em enjoyed making the rice colored w/ me. I made the cupcakes a few weeks ago for story time snack and saved one in the freezer for this weeks lunch. It was a fun lunch and I love the rainbow that she drew.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter MTM!

Chicky Cheese, Bunny Yogurt, Strawberry Milk, Bunny Food Carrots and Ranch, Bunny Ham Pieces, Easter Egg Jelly Beans.

Since it was No Theme we decided to do Easter. Once again everything was a hit...except the yogurt for some reason today. They ate the ears, eyes, nose and whiskers but were not interested in the Yogurt part. I hope everyone had a great Easter and have a great week!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Purple and Blue foods

Blueberry yogurt w/sprinkles, Plums, Grape Juice
Purple fish crackers, Rice crispy treat w/ frosting and sprinkles, Cream cheese & grape jelly on whole wheat flat bread.
I also made purple pasta wheels w/ butter and Parmesan cheese but they were not done when I took the picture and she couldn't wait any longer. My kiddo must be going through another growth spurt because she ate everything except the fish including 2 helpings of the pasta wheels.
I see next weeks theme is canceled. We will be having company for the next couple Mondays so we maybe be missing a couple tins but we will be back. I hope everyone has a great Easter.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sping is Here!

Cheese chicks, Pistacio salad, Butterfly cracker w/cream cheese
Fruit Leather flowers, Corn Beef, Carrots
Since there was no theme I tried to make it springy but we had our family St Patrick's Day dinner yesterday so I included some left overs from that. Emilee cleaned every cup out and then ate some more. The other little girl I watch ate more than usual as well and tried at least everything.
My mom is starting to get into the MTM now too. I was telling her about the rainbow theme coming up soon and some ideas. Yesterday when we went over she slipped me a rainbow twizzler she found while Easter shopping. I had to laugh!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Great Green!

Green milk, Kiwi, Avocado, Green fish crackers
Yogurt, Broccoli Alfredo pasta, Apples w/ Caramel dip

It was the first time for kiwi and avocados. She liked them both but loved the kiwis. There were so many green foods to chose from so we may end up doing it again on Wednesday. Happy St Patty's day everyone!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Cups full of sunshine!!!

Yellow chick chocolate; corn; Wheat bread chicks w/ yellow cream cheese
pineapple chunks; eggs w/ cheese; Yogurt

I babysat today and was a little reluctant doing MTM today but we were out all day yesterday so I decided to try. It was a little hard getting it ready because so much was going on but I was happy with the results and surprised at what the other little girl actually ate of it. After they saw the chocolate I moved them to the middle of the table until they ate the rest of their lunch. Em of course ate everything except a little bit of the corn. I did get the other little girl to try everything. She ended up liking the yogurt and cream cheese chicks. Now we are going out to play in the sunshine!!!! Have a great day everyone!

Monday, March 1, 2010

All the Colors of the Rainbow...

Since there was no theme this week we did rainbow colors. At story time they read books about rainbows and created a rainbow with homemade puffy paint. I am going to have to start thinking about blue/purple foods for our tin in a couple weeks.
Red-Juice; Orange-Cheese dots; Yellow-Mac Salad
Green-Green Pea Crispies; Blue-mini M&Ms; Purple-Yogurt w/purple sprinkles.

I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else came up with this week.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Orange you glad???

Rice crispy treat w/ orange frosting; Cantaloupe; Carrots
O for orange cheese; Chicken nuggets; Red & yellow make orange nugget dip
Orange juice

We have been talking about the color orange all week. I decided to focus on how red and yellow make orange so we did a couple activities around that. We made red, yellow and orange Play dough with food coloring. We also made an orange crayon by melting some broken red and yellow crayons. She enjoyed making both but I think she liked the end product better.
For this weeks lunch I also was able to go to target and find some cute little flower cups for her. This was the very last set so I was really excited to find them especially since they only cost a dollar. This will be our last MTM because we are going to star doing it on Sundays but I will still post with everyone on Monday. I babysit another 2yr old and 7 month old and will start having them on Monday and Tuesday. I figure I will be pretty busy on Mondays plus these lunches have kind of become a special treat for my DD. I hope everyone has a great week.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The color of LOVE lunch!

watermelon yogurt w/red sprinkles, strawberries, strawberry milk,
red bell pepper w/ ranch, ham and cheese pizza, red heart cookie.

Today involved a couple of firsts for my Em. We don't usually sugar up our milk but I decided to give her an EXTRA special treat. She loved it so I may just have to let her have it every once in awhile. For now, we will keep the nesquick hidden in the back on the shelf. Another first was the pizza which she also loved. I'm not sure why we haven't done this before. She loved to help make them and it was supper quick and easy. The peppers were also new to her but she was not very into them. That is alright with me because she eats all kinds of veggies. I almost did radishes which she likes but opted for something new. I love seeing all the tins and what everyone comes up with.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sicky Chicky Muffin Tin Monday.

Since there was no theme this week and the kids have been icky sicky we just went for a simple MTM. Usually this would be her #1 requested meal but today her only interest today was the oranges and juice. She didn't even want her cookie. Hope she gets feeling better soon.
Oranges, heart sugar cookie, juice, chicken nuggets, fries, ketchup.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Seuss is in the House!

This morning we had Green Eggs and Ham! I couldn't find the book so I was not able to read it to her. Our Dr Seuss collection is seriously lacking so we will be starting one now. My good friend did lend us some books so we were able to complete our MTM lunch. We will be Seuss all week.
Gummy worm coming UP from cookie "dirt"
FOOT pb&jelly sandwich
CAT"S HAT cheese with tomato rings
THINK Orange yogurt SCHLOPP w/ blueberry on top.

We also made a Seuss hat for a fun activity today. I found that paper plates make wonderful hat rims. DD has got a cold and you can see it in her face. Poor thing! She had fun anyway and loved her MTM lunch.

Monday, January 25, 2010

ABC and 123 Fun!

I have been looking forward to today's theme. We have been working on number and letter recognition. She has the uppercase letters down and we just recently really started the numbers. She could hardly wait to have lunch today so we actually had it a little earlier. We got some rally great cookie cutters for Christmas and have found so many uses. I used them to make her the number placemat that she could color on.
Milk in ABC cup; ABC crackers; ABC Veggie soup
123 cut from Strawberry fruit leathers; 1, 2, 3 pieces of cheese to go with fruit number.